apartments to rent in antibes old town

Exceptionnal places for an unforgettable holiday

Who we are?


We are 5!
Maggy and Henri, the parents.
Juliette, Alexandre and Alice, the children.
After spending more than 30 years in the North of France, we decided to travel for 2 years in a RV, across Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Back from this nice trip in 2013, we settled on the Côte d'Azur, more precisely in Nice.
In August 2014, we fell in love with Antibes and its old town.
Since then, we have been searching for and discovering exceptional places to create places of tourist stays that we hope will be unforgettable.

The 5 of us are wishing you all a very pleasant stay in our Absoluty houses.

The Guyot family.


Exceptionnal places for an unforgettable holiday


We decided to create Absoluty Antibes in order to offer our guests exceptional holiday resorts.

Offer you exceptional holiday experiences, personalized services, high quality apartments that allow you to benefit from dream rentals.

The Absoluty philosophy? Allow you to have a good holiday, without constraints, with only good surprises.